●研究论文: 杂志论文 1、石婧&江秋. (2024).农村电商政策能够提升乡村数字治理水平吗?——基于政策反馈理论的实证分析.信息技术与管理应用(03), 37-50. 2、石婧&周慧钰. (2022). “数字旅程”赋能新冠肺炎疫情常态化防控——基于边界载体视角.科技智囊(10), 68-76. 3、石婧,祝梦迪,李晓倩. (2022).个人数据共享中的部门感知与经济激励影响.科技智囊(04), 14-22. 4、石婧&李婷婷. (2021).基于联盟区块链的新闻生产模式构建.电视研究(11), 50-52. 5、石婧,常禹雨,祝梦迪.人工智能“深度伪造”的治理模式比较研究[J].电子政务,2020(05):69-79. 6、石婧,潘雅.隐私声明评估指标体系与网络应用文本分析[J].现代传播(中国传媒大学学报),2020,42(03):76-82. 7、石婧,艾小燕,操子宜.大数据是否能改进公共政策分析?——基于系统文献综述的研究[J].情报杂志,2018,37(02):161-168+121. 8、石婧,周蓉,李婷.政务服务“双微联动”模式研究——基于上海市政务微博与政务微信的文本分析.电子政务,2016(2):50-59. 9、石婧.“下一代广播电视网”(NGB)的推进与政府规制.现代传播(中国传媒大学学报),2015,37(1):19-22. 10、Rui Zhang, Jing Shi, Yanchao Zhang, Xiaoxia Huang. Secure Top-k Query Processing in Unattended Tiered Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 63, no. 9, pp. 4681-4693, Nov. 2014. 11、石婧.城市重大灾害中的应急响应与信息传播.现代传播,2013(3) 12、石婧.政务微博与政府公共服务转型研究.编辑之友,2013(6) 13、Jing Shi, Rui Zhang, and Yanchao Zhang, A spatiotemporal approach to secure range queries in tiered sensor networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.10, no.1, pp.264-273, January 2011. 14、Rui Zhang, Jing Shi, Yanchao Zhang, and Jinyuan Sun, Secure cooperative data storage and query processing in unattended tiered sensor networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Cooperative Networking Challenges and Applications, vol.30,no.2,pp.433-441, February 2012. 15、Rui Zhang, Jing Shi, Yanchao Zhang, and Chi Zhang. Verifiable privacy-preserving aggregation in people-centric urban sensing systems, accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Emerging Technologies. |
会议论文 1.Jing Shi, Mengdi Zhu, Xiaoqian Li. The impact of sector differences on people's data sharing interntion: an experimental study.ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, p 373-375, June 15, 2020, DGO 2020. 2.Jooho Lee,Jing Shi. Citizens' use of e-government and e-participation applications and public values in Korea and China. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, p 373-375, June 15, 2020, Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Intelligent Government in the Intelligent Information Society, DGO 2020. 3.Jing Shi, Xiaoyan Ai, Ziyi Cao. A study of impacts of big data on public policy analysis. Workshop on Evidence-based policy making in China, Beijing, China, August 2017. 4.Jing Shi, Jooho Lee. Citizen-push, government-pull, or both? An Exploratory Study of Weibo and WeChat Adoption and Usage by Shanghai Municipal Agencies. PMRC 2017, Washington DC, U.S., June 2017. 5.Jing Shi, Xiaoyan Ai, Ziyi Cao. Can big data improve public policy analysis? DG.O 2017, New York City, U.S., June 2017. 6.Xian Gao, Jooho Lee, Jing Shi. E-Government Services and Social Media Adoption: Experience of Small Local Governments in Nebraska. ASPA 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S., March 2017. 7.石婧,张韦.公民参与行政问责的路径选择研究.第九届海峡两岸暨香港、澳门公共管理学术研讨会,台湾,2013 8.Yunzhong Liu, Rui Zhang, Jing Shi, and Yanchao Zhang, Traffic inference in anonymous MANETs," IEEE COMSOC Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications Networks (SECON), Boston, MA, June 2010. 9.Jing Shi, Rui Zhang, Yunzhong Liu, and Yanchao Zhang, PriSense: privacy-preserving data aggregation in people-centric urban sensing systems, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), San Diego, CA, March 2010. 10.Rui Zhang, Jing Shi, Yunzhong Liu, and Yanchao Zhang, Verifiable fine-grained top-k queries in tiered sensor networks, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), San Diego, CA, March 2010. 11.Rui Zhang, Jing Shi, and Yanchao Zhang, Secure multidimensional range queries in sensor networks," ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc), New Orleans, LA, May 2009. 12.Jing Shi, Rui Zhang, and Yanchao Zhang, Secure range queries in tiered sensor networks, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009. 13.Jing Shi, Daiming Qu, and Guangxi Zhu, Utility maximization of layered video multicasting for wireless systems with adaptive modulation and coding,IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Istanbul, Turkey, June 2006. 14.Daiming Qu, Jing Shi, and Guangxi Zhu, Utility based optimal layering and adaptive transmission for video multicasting over wireless systems, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Melbourne, Australia, May 2006. ●专著: |